Lego Robotics 初级班

Lego Robotics 初级班

January 26th at 11:34am

新增 Lego Robotics 初级班

应无数家长要求,2019春季博城将新增Lego Robotics Beginners 课程。学生无需Lego Robotics经验。2/10/2019开始上课。由Aiesha Chaudhry老师任教。

In the beginners eV3 LEGO robotics class, students will go through a series of project-based challenges to learn the skills needed to design, build, and program a functional robot. Each class will require students to bring a laptop and the EV3 LEGO Core Set that can be brought from The class is for students 7 - 13 years old. No experience is required. We will start by learning basic structure and design skills, such as identifying a sturdy or loose structure. After understanding of robot structure, the class will cover basic programming methods and skills, which will be further expanded in the intermediate ev3 robotics class. The class will often hold competitive projects such as sumobots to keep the students excited and involved. The class will be taught by Aiesha Chaudhry, who has up to 5 years of experience building and programming robots competitively.


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